Looks like, 2014 is a bad year for ABN Andhrajyothi news channel as it suffered a big set back in form of ban by the Telangana MSOs (Multiple System Operators) in the region. Alleging that the channel adopted anti-Telangana stand and working on an anti-Telangana government plank, MSOs from the new state blocked the channel’s telecast. Though TV9 too faced the ire and ban, it apologized and managed to come out of it.
Although none other than Union Information & Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar personally intervened into the issue and even wrote a letter to Telangana CM KCR for lifting of the blockage, it hardly helped ABN Channel. Even press council and broadcasting media came in support of ABN that too couldn’t bail out the channel.
Due to the blockage, it has paid hefty price as the channel’s advertisements revenue in the new state dipped to all-time low. Editor-in-chief and chairman Vemuri Radhakrishna didn’t give up his fight in the matter and his unrelenting nature in the whole incident is laudable. Let’s hope that at least in the new year, the channel would overcome this phase and will be back with a bang.