After getting as super success within three days of its opening NTR’s “Baadshah” is now opened for its Tamil remake. Latest news is that the Tamil remake rights was bought “Balupu” producer Prasad V. Potluri of ‘PVP Cinema. Sources close to Baadshah production unit announced that “PVP Cinema has bought the Tamil remake rights of ‘Baadshah’, which is likely to be remade with a top actor.
We don’t know the name of the actor yet, but it is very likely to be made with a prominent face in Tamil”. If grapevine is to be believed, Tamil actor Vijay is likely to be cast in the remake. This film was resurrected the fading career of NTR, who had three back-to-back flops. It is directed by Srinu Vaitla and Produced by Bandla Ganesh, who strike Rs.13.5 crore worldwide on its opening day from April 5th onwards and still it is running to packed houses.