Ace director Rajamouli’s upcoming prestigious venture “Baahubali” shooting is progressing in brisk pace in Ramoji Film City (RFC), Hyderabad. Currently some important war sequences are canning on lead roles Young Rebel star Prabhas & Tollywood hunk Rana. Makers are not leaving any stone to complete the shooting as soon as possible and they working round the clock to release scheduled date in 2015.
According to our close sources form film unit revealed that, after completion of this long run RFC schedules, makers are planning to shift its next schedule to Europe. Sources also added that the film unit will move to Bulgaria in Europe to shoot remaining scenes. They initially shot some scenes in Bulgaria when Johar plantations near Ramoji Film City got damaged. They may complete that incomplete shoot in its next schedule.
This film is the going to one of the huge budget film in Tollywood industry which will be around 100 crores. This epic film will be released in two parts where Baahubali-1 is going to hit the big screens in 2015. Already the makers started its indirect promotional events, once after completion of shooting the promotional events may go on full swing. Prabhas, Rana, Anushka, Satyaraj, Ramyakrishna, Nassar and others are casted in lead roles. Keeravani is scoring music for the film produced by Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni on Ark Media Works Banner.