Actor-turned-politician, Hindupur TDP MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna has reportedly purchased a lavish hose in Hyderabad’s posh Jubilee Hills area. This news went viral on social media.According to the media reports, the Nandamuri hero spent Rs 15 Cr to buy the lavish house. He purchased the two-storey building on the 11th of this month in his wife’s name.
The house is spread over an area of 9,935 square feet which has two floors. Balayya Babu paid Rs 82.5 lakh and Rs 7.5 lakh for stamp duty and registration fee respectively. The building was bought jointly by Balayya Babu and his wife Nandamuri Vasundhara Devi reportedly.
Balayya Babu already has a residence in Jubilee Hills at Road Number 1. The new property will be the second residential property for the senior hero in Hyderabad. However, there is no information on when Balayya Babu will shift to the new residence.
On the work front, Balayya Babu is currently busy shooting for the upcoming film directed by Boyapati Srinu. The film is tentatively titled BB3, which is the hattrick combination of Balayya and Boyapati.