Actor-politician Nandamuri Balakrishna is going to start the New Year by treating his die-hard fans. The Legend star is gifting his fans the teaser of his upcoming film being directed by newcomer Satyadev which has Trisha and Radhika Apte in female leads. Buzz is that Balayya is seen in dual role in the film which has music by Mani Sharma.
Touted to be Balayya’s 98th film, the movie has been tentatively titled as Lion. Already the first look still of the movie featuring Balayya in a Lungi-clad avatar received thumbs up from all quarters and raised curiosity on the film.
Considering that this is his first film after elected as MLA, it’s expected that the film is loaded with social responsibility and message laced with entertainment. Balayya’s trademark dialogues in the film are going to be the highlight, say unit sources. So, let’s wait for the teaser of Lion.