Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Prestigious 100th film, Gautamiputra Satakarani is being planned for Sankranthi 2017 release. Sources say that the war sequences of the film will be of 30 minutes duration. Krish is completing these portions with VFX effects first so that VFX Companies will get to work for enough time on those portions.
Balakrishna has an amazing track record of delivering maximum number of blockbusters for Sankranthi and so the makers are keen to release the film for Sankranthi at any cost. The movie had completed two schedules in Morocco and Hyderabad and the third schedule of the film will begin from Monday in the Special War Ship set they have erected in Hyderabad Outskirts. Shriya Saran is pairing up with Nandamuri Balakrishna in this film.
Mokshagna will play an Assistant director to Krish for the movie. This is to ensure that he has a good understanding of all the crafts in film making by the time of his filmy debut. The recently released First Look Poster increased the expexations and hype on the project. Devi Sri Prasad is composing music for this film. This is his second time for Balayya after Legend.