Nandamuri Balakrishna on Sunday met Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi who was in Hyderabad to attend the party’s youth meeting at LB Stadium to kick off the campaigning for 2014 general elections. Here is the exclusive pic of the actor inviting the prime ministerial candidate of BJP for his second daughter Tejaswini’s wedding on August 21st. A rare moment to capture and the million dollar smiles hint the friendship remained intact even though TDP ended ties with the National party after the defeat in 2004 polls.
Tejaswini will be tying knot with Mathukumili Bharath who is the grandson of former TDP MP and the head of Gitam University MVVS Murthy. The bride groom is also the grandson of Union Minister Kavuri Sambasiva Rao. The muhurat of the wedding ceremony is 8:52 am at Hitex, Hyderabad. More than 25,000 guests are expected to attend to bless the newly-wed couple.