We all aware that Nandamuri Bala Krishna �s brother Hari Krishna�s son Kalyan Ram� upcoming film �OM� is on full swing, the film is busy with its shooting part and getting ready to hit the screens soon. Latest buzz from tollywood is that Balayya is going play a cameo role in this film. According to sources Balakrishna is trying to do a saviour for Nandamuri family�s third generation.
Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is the hero and producer for �OM�. Sources also revealed that Balakrishna will be doing a cameo in the movie in order to attract distributors who are keeping Kalyan Ram a side. From long back there is no hit recorded in Kalyram�s career, as a producer also he is in loss, actually no producer is accepting to make a film with Kalyan Ram so, thet�s why he himself producing his film. Let us wait and see what will happen with Kalyaram�s �OM�, we need to wait for few more days to check whether Bala Krishna strategy of his cameo works or not!