Despite the inhibitions of the Tollywood biggies, Nandamuri Balakrishna had graced the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) as the guest of honour which took place last night in Goa. As every time, his speech revolved the Legend NTR, his father and NTR’s contribution to Telugu cinema with 300 odd movies of different genres. And his further resurrection as a Political leader from the movie field. He spoke almost everything from Dasari Narayana Rao’s biggest stint as director, Rama Naidu’s Guiness Records and to the latest sensation Rajamouli who hogged to limelight through out the nation with Eega.
But people who are quite close to Telugu industry are seen expressing their displeasure about Balayya not mentioning Chiranjeevi and his role in commercializing the trend of Telugu cinema.