The presence of Balakrishna’s son-in-laws at the audio launch of ‘Legend’ has certainly had its effect on fans of the actor. With rumours in rife that all is not well between our Nandamuri hero and Nara family, and Balayya is not getting due credit in Telugudesam party, this presence is quite essential.
Elder daughter Brahmani’s husband Nara Lokesh and younger one, Tejaswini’s husband Sribharat at ‘Legend’ audio release has given certain clarity to what is happening with political future of Balakrishna. Especially with Nara Lokesh present at the venue, it is quite clear that all is well between Nara and Nandamuri families. Otherwise Lokesh wouldn’t have turned up at the event to wish all the best for Balayya’s upcoming ‘Legend’.
In a way, Balayya’s ‘Legend’ will be surely a publicity campaign for Telugudesam party. As election code will not allow TDP to take up any promotional events close to election-date, by that time Balayya’s movie will be in theatres for 30 days already and every frame of him will be surely reminding people about NTR and Telugudesam only, say cine observers. That will surely help TDP fetch more votes than they are expecting.