Sri Chaitanya and Narayana are the two leading corporate colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. But over the past few years, both the colleges have been facing constant heat from students, parents and the media for their allegedly notorious ways of putting their students through psychological stress. More than 47 students from these colleges committed suicides, unable to cope with the pressure.
In a rude shock, several members of the Telangana Vidyarthi Vedika (TVV) started an online petition on seeking a ban on Sri Chaitanya and Narayana junior colleges in Telangana. The petition has so far received over 250 signatures in just 2 days.
In their petition addressed to Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Deputy CM and Education Minister Kadiyam Srihari and the parents of students, the TVV said, “You always strive to get a good education for your children to ensure a better future. You entroll your children into big corporate colleges like Sri Chaitanya and Narayana, because you think they are good by looking at their advertisements about their ranks in competitive exams. However, these corporate colleges are killing your children for the ranks.”
The petition claimed that 47 students of these colleges committed suicide in 2017 and that a majority of students who study in these institutes are never able to crack competitive exams. It further claimed that “their idea of a ‘good’ education itself is problematic and poor infrastructure that suffocate the students and labs for conducting practicals.”
It’s well-known that the Chandrababu-led TDP government had appointed the Prof Nirada Reddy Committee last year after huge amount of allegations on both the colleges. The committee suggested that the institutes must give the children time for rest and games, along with other activities.