People still haven’t forgotten actor-producer Bandla Ganesh’s antics during Telangana state elections last year. The then Congress leader infamously said, “Blade tho gonthu koskunta” (I’ll slit my throat) if the Congress-led Mahakootami lost in the elections. Needless to say, Ganesh was trolled heavily after Congress’ defeat and he eventually quit politics.
It’s already known that Bandla Ganesh is making his acting comeback after several years with Mahesh Babu’s Sarileru Neekevvaru. Apparently, the comedian’s name in the movie is ‘Blade Ganesh’. It looks like director Anil Ravipudi is inspired by Bandla Ganesh’s blade episode.
The latest buzz is that Anil Ravipudi has penned a hilarious episode featuring Bandla Ganesh. The shooting for his scenes is underway already. Given the kind of sensation the ‘blade episode’ had created last year, one can be sure that the same will be repeated in the movie next Pongal.