Fazed by the sudden blockage of its telecast in Telangana by T-MSOs (Multiple system operators), leading Telugu news channel has reportedly cut short the salaries of its employees in the region by 50%. However, the channel management assured them that they would “restore” their salaries once the situation is brought back to normalcy.
According to media reports, the channel told its employees to pay only 50% of their salaries for time-being. However, the minimum take home for low-salaried employees has been fixed at Rs 20,000 whereas high-salaried employees get only 50% of their salary. “We will restore the salaries once revenues are back to normal,” management reportedly told its employees. Interestingly, employees too accepted for the proposal and decided to support the management in the issue.
With the channel’s telecast has been blocked over four months in Telangana including Hyderabad and Secunderabad, we hear that the “ban” has a telling effect on the revenues of the channel. Meanwhile, reports are rife that the ban will be lifted within a week. The Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) has reportedly told the MSOs (Multiple system operators) to resume the broadcast of that TV channel within a week from October 29.