After the rush at the box office for Independence day long weekend, now Dussehra is getting crowdy as well. Three interesting films lined up for Dussehra Release are Kalyan Ram’s Ism, Ram’s Hyper (Working Title) and Ram Charan’s Dhruva. Kalyan Ram’s Ism will be the first release of the season releasing on September 29th.
Hyper (Working Title) is being planned a day later on September 30th. The last of the releases is Ram Charan’s Dhruva which is being planned for October 7th. All these films will be looking at Dussehra holidays advantage. Ism had its first look Posters release last month while Dhruva will have its release for August 15th.
Ram’s next is yet to announce their release plan and begin their promotions but will enter the fray very soon. Even though last, Dhruva will be the most awaited film of the season due to Ram Charan’s association. We will have to see which of these Three Rams will have final laugh at Telugu box office this Dussehra?