The devastating Chennai floods have moved the hearts of millions of people across the world and many of them have generously donated financial aid and other contributions towards the rehabilitation of the flood victims. Now, what a group of 2,000 sex workers in Maharashtra did to extend their helping hand for Chennai victims will touch everyone’s hearts.
Almost 2,000 sex workers from Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra skipped their meals and survived only on one meal per day and collected nearly Rs 1 lakh and donated the cheque to the Ahmednagar District Collector at an event organized by the Snehalaya NGO.
Apparently, these sex workers were highly perturbed by the pathetic situation of the flood-affected Chennaites. The Snehalaya NGO leader said that more than 3,000 sex workers live in the western part of Maharashtra and they all have been in touch with an NGO named Goonj based in Delhi and are ensuring further relief material and financial aid for the Chennai flood victims.