Nandamuri Balakrishna, one of the three TDP MLAs elected from Rayalaseema, has on Tuesday attended NTR birth anniversary celebrations in his Hindupur constituency. The actor, who was accompanied by wife Vasundhara Devi, thanked the voters of Hindupur for keeping their trust on him again.
Balakrishna also assured that he will continue to do the develop activities for Hindupur and went on to urge the TDP supporters to not lose heart for the party’s debacle in elections. Hundreds of party members attended the event to celebrate it along with their MLA.
Apart from his speech, what caught everyone’s eye is the fierce look of Nandamuri Balakrishna. His thickly grown beard, with a little portion of it in grey, has brought a raw aesthetic to Balakrishna. However, we do not know if it’s for his upcoming project with filmmaker KS Ravi Kumar. On the other hand, rumors are rife that Balakrishna could be elected as leader of opposition in the state assembly.