After making her silver screen debut with Sumanth starrer Boni in 2009, beautiful Kannada actress of Punjabi origins, Kriti Kharbanda, got a huge break with Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Teen Maar. However, the movie’s disappointing box-office result did not help Kriti’s career in Tollywood, even though she appeared in films like Mr. Nokayya, Ala Modalaindi, Ongole Githa, Om 3D etc.
Kriti is currently acting in Ram Charan’s upcoming action entertainer, Bruce Lee. In the film, Kriti grabbed a plum role as she plays Ram Charan’s sister. The movie’s success might well change Kriti’s fate in Tollywood. Now, in a strange coincidence, Kriti has just signed yet another film titled Bruce Lee in Tamil.
This Tamil Bruce Lee has the young and happening music director turned actor GV Prakash Kumar as its hero and Kriti plays his romantic interest. Yesterday, the film was launched formally and Kriti is that rare actress who is acting in two films that share the same title. Even more, Kriti replaced Nayanthara in the Tamil Bruce Lee and this film’s box-office hit will catapult her into the big league.