A man named K Chaathu from Wayanad district in Kerala has filed a case on Malayali Superstar and legendary actor Mammootty claiming that even after using the Indulekha soap which Mammootty endorsed, his beauty did not increase. Mammootty is a well known actor among Telugu audiences for his memorable roles in K Vishwanath’s Swathi Kiranam and Mani Ratnam’s Dalapathy.
In one of the print advertisements for the soap, Mammootty posed for the soap ad which has a tagline, “Soundaryam Ningale thedi varum” (Beauty will come in search of you). However, Chaathu, in his petition to the consumer court, stated that he did not notice any changes in his beauty even after using the soap regularly.
Accusing Mammootty and the soap manufacturers, Indulekha, of making fake claims through advertisements, Chaathu has demanded 50,000 towards damage charges. The district consumer court in Wayanad ordered the star and the soap company representatives to appear before the court on 22nd September.
In the past too, film stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Genelia, Madhuri Dixit etc were entangled in similar cases.