On Wednesday, ace producer Dil Raju has approached officials of CCD (Cyber Crime department) to seek their assistance in pulling out those people who are spearing some online piracy links of DJ (Duvvada Jagannadham) on social media platforms, particularly Facebook and Twitter. Director Harish Shankar also joined him when the producer complained police about piracy and they addressed media later.
Speaking to the journalists, Producer Dil Raju made an shocking comment – ‘Our film DJ is being deliberately targeted by someone who can’t digest its huge success at box-office.’ The producer also submitted some information about listed Twitter, Facebook profiles that are continuously posting trolls and passing negative posts, comments against the movie.
Later, Harish Shankar spoke to media and urged audiences and anti-fans to stop spreading such piracy links as it will no way effect the director & actor of the film. He further said, ‘we have already received our payment from producer and if your intention is to defame the actor or director, you wouldn’t be successful. And, in-a-way, it will impact thousands of workers who’re dependent on films.’
On other hand, the makers are quite happy about collections as the film managed to pass the weekday test also. In first 5 days, DJ raked in 46.76 Crore share in Telugu speaking states and a worldwide share of 58 Crore (approximately).