Behind The Scene: A Tale Far-Fetched

Recently, the Income-Tax Department officials conducted raids on the properties, residences and offices of TDP MP CM Ramesh.Everyone knows it is a case of political vendetta and KCR had done the same to Jagga Reddy albeit it was a criminal case.

This is quite common in politics and when the victim’s party forms the government the next time, they pay back with interest.However, CM Ramesh made one statement to the media. He said that the IT officials who conducted the raids warned him of serious consequences if he did not stop criticising the Union government.

Now, this is hard to believe. CBI or Income Tax, the officials merely act on instructions from higher-ups who in turn are dictated to by their political masters.Therefore, no sensible official would threaten or blackmail or act as an agent of the Union government in the course of duty. He just doesn’t need to.

The raids itself are sending a message. Which officer would jeopardise himself by speaking in such a way? In trying to create sympathy or derive political mileage for himself out of these raids, Ramesh may have been exaggerating or just taking people for fools who would blindly believe anything he says.