Some people might say that Narendra Modi is just another ‘Dale Carnegie’, good at making motivational speeches but failing to deliver on the administrative side. Others contend that he ought to be given time and nine months is no time to judge a Prime Minister given that the people have put up with Manmohan for nine years.
Whatever be the perception, it cannot be denied that when it comes to out-of-the-box thinking, Modi is certainly far ahead of some of his predecessors. In a novel initiative, the Narendra Modi government has appointed senior Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officials attached to Indian embassies as commercial ambassadors of India abroad.
A two-member team was assigned to each state with the task of attracting foreign investments. Select IFS officials have been pooled from Indian embassies across the globe and were trained in different aspects of making India a global hub of investments. The Centre zeroed in on three districts in AP -Nellore, Chittoor and Visakhapatnam to get foreign investments there following the state government’s recommendation.
The teams will first visit the respective states allotted for them and study the field situation before embarking with their task. The idea is to show the world India’s potential and make investments flow into the country.