Bengal Tiger Stands Rock Steady


As speculated and presented earlier, the weak talk generated for ‘Loafer’ can all the way help ‘Bengal Tiger’ to accelerate its revenues at Box Office. The same is happening for Raviteja and Sampat Nandi flick which has got unanimous vote from mass audience and especially the lower order centers. Into the second week, when everyone thought that ‘Bengal Tiger’ would slow down, definitely the same happened but not for a long time.

The first preference for common and family audience to go for a film outing is ‘Bengal Tiger.’ A look at number of screens retained for second week and some of the major multiplexes in Hyderabad screening five to six shows of ‘Bengal Tiger’ each day says it all. That’s a clear winner all the way and revenues are still going steady without recoding any deficits in any centre.

At a time when big stars and their films are dying quickly in less than two weeks, the awesome stand taken by ‘Bengal Tiger’ is coming as a surprise for trade circles who are now confident of enjoying decent profits by the time of second weekend and nearly four to five films strike the theaters in this week.