Everyone is aware of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu’s love for technology and egovernance. Opposition many times attacked him for his penchant for technology and negligence of farmers. However no one can deny him the credit for turning Hyderabad into Cyberabad.
Nite he is promising to conduct Singapore like capital for divided Andhra Pradesh. He even flew to Singapore with his team for capital discussions. Taking exception for his Singapore love, Ambati Rambabu, leader of the main opposition party YSRCP lashed out at him saying Chandra Babu flew to Singapore for his own interests and expand his business.
He said Tehelka long time back exposed Babu’s hotels in Singapore and his association with Singapore is well known. He adviced Babu to change his name to Singapore Naidu. He said Chandra Babu is asking for donations to build capital but he is taking flights to Singapore.