Actor and filmmaker Arbaaz Khan made headlines when he confessed that he was involved in the IPL betting scam.A police official claimed that Arbaaz told that he has been betting on cricket matches for the past five to six years.Official also said that Arbaaz, who appeared before Thane Police’s Anti-Extortion Cell (AEC) on June 02, 2018, also claimed that he had not placed bets on any match of the 2018 season of the Indian Premier League that ended on May 27, 2018.
Reportedly, Khan allegedly lost Rs 2.80 crore in betting to a prominent bookie Sonu Jalan and was not paying the amount, following which the bookie had threatened the actor.Arbaaz Khan’s name first cropped up during the custodial interrogation of Jalan. Arbaaz said that he had replied to all the police queries and “was fully cooperating in the ongoing investigations.”
Sources revealed that Khan’s ex-wife Malaika Arora Khan tried to stop him from placing illegal bets, however, he did not listen. This reportedly caused trouble in their marriage. Not only Malaika but his brother and father also tried to intervene.According to sources, this further strained their relationship and the couple announced their separation in 2016.
The couple issued joint statement, which read, “We are not separated because of a third random person, like there were stories of a friendship between a businessman and Malaika. Nor was it about his family disapproving of her lifestyle, nor does she feel that her husband is not financially stable.”