The upcoming Telugu film “Bhaje Vaayu Vegam” has unveiled its first song, titled “Set Ayyindhe,” setting the stage for its theatrical release on May 31st. This energetic mass song features the film’s lead actor, Kartikeya Gummakonda, showcasing his infectious enthusiasm.
Directed by Prashanth Reddy, the film stars Kartikeya alongside Ishwarya Menon. The song, composed by Radhan, boasts lively choreography by Viswa Raghu. Renowned lyricist Ramajogayya Sastry penned the lyrics, which perfectly capture the jubilant spirit of a young man who has found love. Singer Ranjith Govind delivers a powerful and youthful rendition, further amplifying the song’s infectious energy.
Produced by UV Concepts and presented by the prestigious UV Creations, “Bhaje Vaayu Vegam” promises to be a captivating cinematic experience. Beyond the high-spirited dance number, the film boasts a strong emotional core centered on a father-son relationship, interwoven with action sequences.
Technical aspects of the film are helmed by a talented crew. Kapil Kumar provides the background music, complementing the narrative. RD Rajasekhar’s cinematography promises to visually capture the essence of the story, while Madhu Srinivas’ dialogues ensure impactful communication.
The release of “Set Ayyindhe” marks a significant step forward for “Bhaje Vaayu Vegam,” generating anticipation for its release later this month. The song’s upbeat tempo and Kartikeya’s energetic performance hint at a lighthearted and engaging film, laced with emotional depth and action-packed sequences.