Hero Sudheer Babu’s new film ‘Bhale Manchi Roju’s audio launch was held grandeur at Shilpakala Vedika last night. Prince Mahesh attended as the chief guest of the event. In the meanwhile, theatrical trailer was also launched in function.
The trailer appeared to be promising with punch liners of Sai Kumar, interesting kidnap drama, heroine’s funny anger and dialogues. Sudheer Babu looked handsome and stylish in the trailer. On the flip side, it appeared something like a routine kidnap drama. However, a better screen play with good number of hilarious and action moments might make the movie scoring a success as the trailer assured to all these elements.
Wamiqa Gabbi has paired up with Sudheer Babu in the movie. Sunny MR has provided the music of the movie. The movie was directed by Sri Ram Aditya. Vijay Kumar Reddy and Shashidhar Reddy have produced the movie.