Filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali has expressed interest in the Hindi remake of Telugu blockbuster “Manam”, which featured actors from three generations of the Akkineni clan.”When I was recently shooting in Mumbai, I had met him with regards to the film’s Hindi remake. Though we haven’t arrived at anything substantial yet, he was interested in the idea of remaking the film in his production,” Vikram told IANS, adding nothing has been confirmed yet.
The original, which featured the late legendary actor Akkineni Nageswara Rao, his son Nagarjuna and grandsons Naga Chaitanya and Akhil, was directed by Vikram.
“Manam”, which was extremely well received by audiences and critics alike, was a story about reincarnation.Vikram had initially planned to remake the film in Tamil with Suriya, his brother Karthi and their father Sivakumar.”I had approached Suriya with the offer. However, we ended up doing a24′ instead. I don’t think it will happen in Tamil,” he said.