Comedian turned actor Sunil is currently acting in a film titled ‘Bhimavaram Bullodu’ shooting of which is currently going on in Hyderabad. An action scene is being canned currently on the actor at Hotel Rock Castle. It is already known that Bheemavaram Bulloda Paalu Kavala, the chart buster song in Nagarjuna’s career from Gharana Bullodu is being remixed for the movie.
After the debacle of Mr.Pellikoduku, Sunil is currently working in a film under the direction of ‘Kalisundham raa’ fame Uday Shankar for the producer D Suresh Babu under the prestigious Suresh Productions banner.. Esther who is soon going to make her debut as heroine with ‘1000 Abaddalu’ is paired opposite Sunil in the film. Shooting of the movie has picked up now with hero Sunil getting free from his prior commitments.