YSR Congress party MLA from Nandyal Bhuma Nagi Reddy, who had defected to the Telugu Desam Party recently, has come to the rescue of TDP chief and AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, who had to cut a sorry figure after making an abortive attempt to field a fourth candidate in the Rajya Sabha elections to defeat YSRC candidate V Vijay Sai Reddy.Bhuma told media persons that the idea of fielding a fourth candidate in the RS polls was not that of Naidu, but that of the YSRC MLAs who had joined the TDP.
“We have brought pressure on the Chief Minister to field the fourth candidate, as we had confidence to get him elected. Though Naidu agreed with our view that Vijay Sai Reddy should not go to Rajya Sabha because of the CBI cases against him, he did not like the idea of fielding the fourth candidate. He bluntly told us that he was not interested in such kind of victories through indirect methods,” Bhuma said.
In a way, Bhuma sought to give clean chit to Naidu and project him in good light. However, it is not sure whether Bhuma would get the cabinet berth with such tactics.