Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy is going to give a huge shock to the Tollywood film industry. According to reliable sources, as the second wave of the corona is booming at a faster pace in the state, CM Jagan is of the opinion that 100 percent occupancy should not be allowed in theaters till January 2022.
This is going to have a large impact on huge budgeted and most awaited films like Acharya, Pushpa, F3, Radhe Shyam, etc.
On the other hand, as there are no permissions for the ticket price hikes, the big-budgeted movies will not dare to have a theatrical release even for 50 percent occupancy. Against this backdrop, the huge budgeted films must wait till 2022 Summer for their theatrical releases.
Jagan seems to allow 100 percent occupancy in the theaters only after a 100 percent vaccination drive gets completed in the state.