Thanks to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday, we saw Cheetahs which have been extinct for a few decades coming to the country. The other day, Narendra Modi released wild creatures at a national park. The BJP is crediting Narendra Modi for bringing the big cats.
But welcoming Cheetahs turned political with BJP and Congress fighting for the credit for bringing the big cats. The saffron party is saying that it achieved what Congress could not in bringing the big cats to India. But Congress is saying that it initiated the project long back.
As per the version of Congress Rajya Sabha member Jairam Ramesh, the Congress planned the project to bring Cheetahs back in 2009 but they could not do so as the issue was pending with the Supreme Court. He even shared a letter that goes back to 2009.
The letter was written to the Wildlife Trust of India by Jairam Ramesh himself who was the Union Minister for Environment and Forest then. In the letter, he requested the Trust to look into bringing the Cheetahs.
But the supporters of the BJP are saying that whoever brings the Cheetahs should be given the credit and the saffron party should be seen as the owners of the credit. On social media, supporters of both parties are fighting on this. Both the ruling and opposition parties have their versions of this.