Tamil remake of super-hit film “Drishyam” is always on news. Though there have been no official announcements regarding the title, rumours are that the film is named “Papanasam”. The film stars Kamal Haasan in the lead and will be directed by Jeethu Joseph who had earlier directed the Malayalam version.
The film have created a new record by finishing shoot in just 39 days and it was unbelievable for any film which have big hero like Kamal Hasan.The shooting of this remake was started in end of August and now it is reported to have completed its shoot. As it was a low budget film shooting was happened only in selected locations and the perfect co-operation from the actors is said to be the reason for this.
‘’Drishyam” was released in Malayalam in 2013 and became a record-breaking film in Malayalam. It starred Mohanlal and Meena in the lead. The movie was later re-made in Telugu and Kannada and both were proved successful in the box office.The Kamal Haasan starrer is produced jointly by Wide Angle Creations and Raj Kumar Theatres Pvt Ltd.