Entrepreneur turned filmmaker Prasad V Potluri is on a production spree. PVP, who has produced extravaganza films like Varna, Balupu, will soon be expanding his base drastically. While his next Size Zero is slated for release this month, two other big-ticket films – Mahesh Babu-Srikanth Addala’s Brahmotsavam, Nagarjuna-Karthi’s Oopiri – are on floors. His next film is going to be in Hindi and it has been titled as Ghazi and it features Rana, Taapsee.
“In the next six months, I’m going to start 9 films. Have made very big plans to be in the industry. It’s not just about making a film, marketing a film is equally important. Hence, we’re chalking out innovating methods to promote, market film,” said PVP who is promoting his Size Zero all out.
For Size Zero, PVP has launched 1 Kg gold contest where 20 members would be selected randomly from the registered audiences and one lucky winner will get 1 Kg gold. “The aim is to kill piracy and encourage people to watch cinema in theatres. At the same time, it’s a win-win situation where we earn money, and audience can get lucky chance to win gold and watch a good film like Size Zero,” said PVP.
Starring Anushka and Aarya in the lead roles, Size Zero is a conceptual film where families could watch together. The movie is directed by Prakash Kovelamudi whereas story is provided by Kanika who earlier worked with Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainments.