When Star Network brought Bigg Boss to the Telugu Television, it went all out to launch the show. A hero as big as NTR was roped in to host the show. Including NTR’s remuneration and promotional expenses, the first season’s budget shot up to nearly Rs 50 crs, making Bigg Boss Telugu the costliest ever show in the Telugu TV history.
Now, coming to the second season, the budget has been steeply slashed. As per reports, the organizers plan to invest Rs 30 Cr on Bigg Boss Telugu season 2. This is still a very high amount for a Telugu TV show.
Natural Star Nani, who will host the second season, will take 8 Cr remuneration. Promotional cost has entirely been cut down as the show has already become popular among TV viewers.The show will start airing from July this year. Auditions for the contestants is currently going on.