Be it in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu, the reality show Bigg Boss is always the centre of controversies. The Tamil version is hit by a new controversy and it went on till police station. Last weekend one of the contestants, Madhumitha was voted out of the show as she attempted to self-harm in the Bigg Boss house.
Madhumitha is said to have got paid Rs 11,40,000 as advance and she stayed in the Bigg Boss house for 42 days. She did not receive any balance payment from Star Vijay channel which broadcasts the show and she urged the channel and show makers to make the payment. Twist in the tale flashed as Star Vijay lodged a complaint against Madhumitha and claimed that she is threatening to make the payment and if failed so she would commit suicide.
However Madhumitha denied these allegations and said she just requested Star Vijay to make her payment and settle the issue. With Star Vijay approaching the police, Madhumitha has sort Tamil Bigg Boss host Kamal Haasan’s help in this matter.
We have to see whether Kamal will help Madhumitha to get her due payment.