Dethadi Harika shot to fame with the fourth season of Telugu Bigg Boss and she was one of the five finalists in the show. It is said that Harika pocketed around Rs 40 lakhs for staying in the Bigg Boss house for 105 days.
Coming to the topic, Harika revealed that she is presently acting in Sharwanand’s Sreekaram. “I have already started shooting for the film. I shot for a part of my portion recently and will be joining the sets again soon,” she said.
Sreekaram will be Harika’s first biggie and she seemed excited about the project. Apparently, Harika is in consideration for a few other Telugu films as well. Her stint in the Bigg Boss house seems to have boosted her acting career.
Coming to Sreekaram, the film has Sharwanand and Priya Arul Mohan in the lead roles. Debutante Kishore is directing it.