Bigg Boss Telugu reality show, which first looked as another lame Bollywood import, is slowly but steadily turning out to be a must watch programme, especially on Saturday and Sunday, all thanks to one man, NTR Jr.
The star hero’s ease, verbosity and spontaneity keeps getting better as the show progresses. In the Last night’s episode, NTR, who is the Host on the show, danced even along with the participants during the ‘Musical Chairs’ game. No other star hero could have made the game so entertaining. His sense of humor is something that is taking viewers as well as the participants by surprise.
His talkative skill being of chivalrous yet not making it look offensive proves why he was the best option to host this controversy-prone show. The consistent high ratings the show has been getting on Saturday and Sunday is largely because of NTR’s skillful hosting.
Just like Salman Khan as the host of Hindi Bigg Boss, NTR is most likely to stay as the host of Telugu version for years, since it is hard to imagine the show without the ‘Janatha Garage’ star.