The problem for contestants in #BiggBoss reality show is, what goes around comes around. Right now, Varun Sandesh, one of the star contestants of the show, has pushed himself into a position where he projected himself as hero opposite comedian Mahesh Vitta. But what would happen to this down the lane?
Apparently, during the discussion, flare-ups between Varun and Mahesh haven’t sounded great. While Mahesh sounds bit arrogant, Varun is also pretty the same with a bit of softer accent. Later when Mahesh tried to apologise in person to Varun, the hero hasn’t got convinced with the act and left the scene with aggression.
Going by the last two seasons and the reactions of the people, there are some contestants who have created issues for themselves, later they continued that headstrong behaviour till the end, but they never got the support of huge numbers of audiences. Maybe Varun Sandesh is also slipping into a similar zone by exaggerating the issue between his wife and Mahesh Vitta, it looks like.
Sample this: Though Varun asked Mahesh to not call him ‘bro’, in the end, he addressed Mahesh as ‘bro’ and ‘brother’ as words became superfluous. For audiences watching the show carefully, these bonkers are going to send negative signals.