Tamil director Sunder C will next be making a historical drama film with a budget bigger than that of ace director SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus film Baahubali. Suriya, Vijay and Mahesh Babu names are in the probable list for lead role in the film which is officially titled as Sanghamitra.Sri Thenandal Films will produce the film. AR Rahman, Sudeep Chatterjee, Sabu Cyril and Kanal Kannan are finalized to handle music, camera, art and graphics departments respectively.
As per a grapevine, Sanghamitra will be shot in India, America, Denmark, Ukraine, Iran and 6 other countries. No Indian film was shot more than half a dozen countries, but Sanghamitra team will tour almost 11 countries to shoot the film.
Director Sunder C clarified that; they haven’t finalized any actor for their film, however informed to rope in prominent faces who can suite script. ‘We have already completed script works. Currently, concept designing process is happening,’ affirmed the director in an interview.Sangamitra, the most ambitious project of Sunder C will be made as Telugu, Tamil and Hindi trilingual with an estimated budget of Rs 350 Crores.