A few days back, superstar Mahesh Babu took to Twitter and posted a picture he took with Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Mahesh looked thrilled to meet the great visionary and Namrata Shirodkar was also present in this click. They met in New York and Mahesh shared his happiness by saying, “Had the pleasure of meeting Mr. @BillGates! One of the greatest visionaries this world has seen… and yet the most humble! Truly an inspiration!!”
While the click went viral on social media, Bill Gates himself retweeted Mahesh’s post now. The legendary personality wrote, “Being in New York is always fun – you never know who you’ll run into. It was great meeting you and Namrata!” Meeting Bill Gates is one thing but getting a response back from him is surely special and fans of superstar are very thrilled with it.
After delivering a super hit like ‘Sarkaru Vaari Paata’ in May, superstar Mahesh Babu is enjoying his vacation abroad right now. He completed the tour of Europe and is currently in the United States. After his return to India, he will start shooting for #SSMB28 under Trivikram’s direction. Pooja Hegde will be playing the female lead while a lot of big artists are going to be a part of this movie.
Known for his clean family entertainers with a good dose of entertainment and touching dialogues, Trivikram’s last film was a blockbuster like ‘Ala Vaikunthapuramlo’. Also, Mahesh and Trivikram gave two classics to the audience previously. ‘Athadu’ and ‘Khaleja’ which came in 2005 and 2010 respectively may not have been super hits commercially but they ended up as favorites for many. People still watch it whenever they get telecasted. They are teaming up for the third time after 12 years and fans are overjoyed with this reunion. Let us wait and see whether SSMB28 repeats the magic of ‘Athadu’ and ‘Khaleja’ or not.