Mumbai: Bipasha Basu has suffered multiple burns on her face and hands due to a hair stylist’s negligence. Taking to social media, the actress posted about the reckless behaviour, “Started my day of shoot with multiple burns on my face and hands by a so called senior hair stylist. She did not even flinch after dropping the tong . Inhuman .
Think she came drunk to work. Unbelievable!”On work front, the actress has forayed into television with her show ‘Darr Sabko Lagta Hai’ which is an assortment of short films. We will also see her in director Rohan Sippy’s upcoming TV series ‘The Client’. The show is an edgy action-packed 12-part mini-series in which Bipasha will be seen playing a desi version of Olivia Pope (played by Kerry Washington) from ABC’s drama Scandal.