Today is Naga Chaitanya’s 28th birthday and celebrating this occasion, the makers of his upcoming film Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo released a stylish new teaser that showcased an intense Naga Chaitanya in typical Gautham Menon style. The teaser, which starts off with an English voiceover, slowly transforms into an action-packed thriller.
Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo unveils the story of a young man played by Naga Chaitanya and how his life takes an unexpected turn on a crucial moment. How Chai prepares himself for that crucial moment forms the rest of the film. Typical of Gautham Menon’s films, SSS too features splendidly shot slick action sequences and crisp dialogues.
With Ye Maaya Chesave, Chai and Gautham weaved a poetic love story. Let’s wait until January to see what the classy duo has in store for us this time. The film has Malayali beauty Manjima Mohan as the heroine and AR Rahman is the music director.