Popular Kannada director Prasanth Neel is lining up big films with Telugu star heroes lately. He is currently working with Prabhas on ‘Salaar’ and he will be teaming up with NTR this year as per sources. But, all the fame and craze Prasanth Neel got is due to his pan-Indian Kannada film ‘KGF’. This massive action flick surprised everyone and got huge collections at the box office.
Everyone is eager to see ‘KGF-2’ which is getting postponed for the past year or so. The teaser which came out long back turned out as the most viewed teaser in the entire country. People are waiting to see ‘Rocky Bhai’ back on the big screen. It is Rocking Star Yash’s birthday and the makers of ‘KGF 2’ decided to give a huge update.
Prasanth Neel released a special poster of Yash as Rocky Bhai. Along with the wishes, he revealed that the film is hitting the screens on 14th April, 2022. He wrote, ‘Can’t wait for this monster to conquer the world. Caution! Danger Ahead. Happy Birthday my ROCKY.’
As we know, this is a pan-Indian film that is releasing in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi. It is produced by Hombale Films and it features Bollywood actors Raveena Tandon and Sanjay Dutt in key roles.