Venkatesh Daggubati alias Victory Venkatesh has reached another milestone in Telugu Film Industry. The versatile actor turned 54 on Saturday. He’s the star in his own right. Notwithstanding his age, he continues to charm the audiences. Be it families or youth, Venkatesh holds a sway in audiences’ heart. Of late, multi-starrers have become his game.
Be it Seethamma Vakitlo or Shadow or Masala or upcoming Gopala Gopala, Venky is teaming up with peers. In a career spanning over 28 years, Venky bagged several awards including Nandi. He’s perhaps the highest Nandi Award winner in Telugu as best actor. Debuted with Kaliyuga Pandavulu in the year 1986, which got him Nandi award for best male debut actor, Venky never looked back.
He went on to bag Nandis as best actor for films like Swarna Kamalam, Prema, Dharma Chakram, Ganesh, Kalisundam Raa, Adavari Matalaku Ardhale Verule. Now, he’s reprising Paresh Rawal in Oh My God remake alongside Pawan. The combo is raising curiosity and the movie is due for release on Jan 14.