The current party president, the enigmatic K Chandrasekhar Rao or KCR, is reaching old age and allegedly he has been suffering from few health issues as well. He has been said to be absent from few of the public meetings because of this very reason. Of late, it has also been noticed that he restrains from giving long speeches.
If this situation continues, it will soon be time to change the leadership and the need to find an appropriate successor. So the successors- in-line are K T Rama Rao and Harish Rao. Speaking hierarchically, KTR is son of KCR and might end up inheriting the position. However, there is also Harish Rao who has been associated prominently with the party right from the stage of its inception. Not only that, he has also been instrumental in building the party cadre from scratch and providing strength and support to the party. Indeed, his support to the party cannot be ignored or neglected.