As soon as Karnataka polls ended with the failure of ‘Operation Lotus’, BJP has upped its plan ‘Operation Garuda’ in Andhra Pradesh. Many TDP leaders are now linking the issue of ex head priest Ramana Dikshitulu to Operation Garuda. TDP leaders are countering that people know who is behind all this to malign Chandrababu Naidu who is bravely fighting against Narendra Modi & Centre that caused gross injustice to AP.
On the other hand, a few Uttarandhra leaders from TDP are alleging that Pawan’s Porata Yatra is also part of the BJP’s plan as Pawan is targeting only Chandrababu and AP State government by not uttering anything against Centre.
And as usual, Jagan and YCP’s counter protests to TDP’s Dharma Porata Sabha against BJP and Centre are also being accused by TDP as part of the game plan chalked out by BJP’s top brass.
TDP leaders from AP are accusing that this all-round attack on Chandrababu and TDP is happening at the behest of Amit Shah and Narendra Modi. The Telugu Desam Party netas assure that they would overcome all these easily and these ‘Operations’ can’t affect them. However, the one thing political analysts caution TDP is to be proactive than before to tackle such serious issues else the damage would be irreparable. It’s high time, TDP should also change its game plan and start no-holds-barrier counter attack.