BJP & Congress’s Share in Black Money?

Ruling BJP Government at Centre may claim that they have fulfilled the promise of naming black money account holders in Swiss Bank to Indian public and try to score brownie points over Congress party which got decimated in the recent general elections following string of scams. 
However there is little both parties can claim as the three account holders of black money do not involve their leaders because one of the black money account holder named by the Union Government is a big donor to both Congress and BJP parties. 
Timblo Pvt Ltd owner and Goa based miner Radha S Timblo donated Rs 1.18 crore to the BJP and Rs 65 lakh to the Congress according to Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR). Jagadish Chokkar, founder member of ADR which fights for electoral reforms said that the figures submitted by both parties to the election commission reveal the stark reality. 
Analysis revealed that Timblo donated thrice to Congress party and nine times to BJP in seven years time. Wonder what answer both parties have regarding these donations from blackmoney account holder.