YSR Congress Party, the fourth largest party in Lok Sabha, has been reportedly offered the ‘Deputy Speaker’ post in Lok Sabha by Bharatiya Janata Party. Generally, the third largest party in Lok Sabha gets this post, but leaders from four different parties contested on DMK (third largest party in LS) symbol in Tamil Nadu. So, YSRCP was the certain choice of BJP.
Following this offer from BJP, YS Jagan is planning to select a female MP for that post. Araku MP Goddeti Madhavi and MP of Amalapuram, Chinta Anuradha are said to be in the race from YSRCP. On other hand, Shiv Sena, being the key partner of BJP, also is demanding the deputy speaker post.
In the meanwhile, BJP has elected six-time Lok Sabha MP of Madhya Pradesh, Virendra Kumar as pro-tem speaker of 17th Lok Sabha.