Prime Minister Modi and BJP stopped their efforts to bring in Super star Rajinikanth into the party in Tamil Nadu. After trying many times in vain to convince him to take charge of the state party unit, BJP decided not to conduct any talks with him as he kept on delaying his decision. Close sources say Party president Amit Shah is of the opinion that there won’t be any advantage for the party to do business with Rajinikanth as he is unable to take any firm decision.
BJP inorder to take on AIADMK and DMK who have charismatic leaders like Jayalalitha and Karunanidhi tried to rope in Rajinikanth through various channels and sources into the party. Even Modi went and met him personally during the last elections. With Jayalalitha sent to jail in disproportionate assets case and 2G spectrum hanging on Karunanidhi, BJP planned to cash in to the advantage with Rajini.
BJP leader Yeduyurappa met him in Bengaluru during Lingaa shooting and Amit Shah personally spoke to Rajini. Even BJP TN chief Tamilisai met Rajini at his house and even offered CM post. Rajini too gave green signal saying after Lingaa release he will take positive decision. He also asked his brother to take his fans opinion and even fans got jubiliant. But after Jayalalitha’s release with Rajini congratulating her, BJP received shock.
BJP decided to forget Rajini and move on and Amit Shah too spoke about with Rajini. He asked him to announce his entry into BJP before he comes to Chennai for which Rajini asked 4 months time. Amit Shah foundout that Rajini is keen to wait and watch the judgement on Jaya’s case which comes to hearing after 4 months before taking any decision. Amit Shah got angry and refused to Rajini’s condition.