AP state BJP leader KV Lakshmipathi Raja was suspended by the party and was issued disciplinary notices along with the suspension. Earlier, Lakshmi Pathi Raja participated in a political debate in the Sakshi Channel without any information to the party cadre or high command.
Hence, Discipline committee convenor Prof D A R Subrahmanyam issued notices to Lakshmipathi Raja citing the disobeying and disregarding the earlier notices demanding an explanation that were sent in May and in the first week of June regarding his participation in the TV Channel as the BJP leader.
This is a classic example set by the AP BJP as his actions were considered as intentional and deliberate acts of disobeying the instructions of the president of AP state BJP. Everyone may feel that participating in a news channel debate is such a petty issue and the suspension for that act is a bit harsh but there is something serious in it.
Lakshmipathi Raja who joined the debates without any prior information expressed his opinions which emerged as contradictory to state BJP’s statements made him get suspended immediately. Recently, BJP also warned Kilaru Dileep for expressing his solidarity towards Atchannaidu getting arrested while Kanna Lakshmi Narayana welcomed the arrest.
Now, the analysts opine that this is a good example for the YSRCP high command who are facing severe heat in their party from their own leaders. YSRCP, with all the power in hand, didn’t do anything with their leaders even after they criticized their own government publicly.